
Zhu Chang Hai International Wushu Association

Grandmaster Zhu Chang Hai
Founder of ZCHIWA - 8th Duan Wei Chinese Wushu Association
4 times Chinese National Champion
20th Gen. Chen Family Tai Ji Quan
5th Gen. Yang Style Tai Ji Quan
10th Gen. Shaolin Mantis
8th Gen. Seven Star Praying Mantis
Chairman & Chief examiner, Irish Wushu Duan Wei Grading centre / CWA
Chairman of NI CWA
I was born in 1963 in the city of Shenyang, Liaoning Province, North-East China.
I began studying Wushu from age 7 and learned many forms of traditional Chinese Martial Arts.
In 1980 I began to study Seven Star Praying Mantis Fist with 8th Duan Master Hou Rui Ting. Master Hou was a family student of the famous Wang Qingzhai and his lineage can be traced back to the great Wang Lang, (AD 960-1126). Master Hou is highly respected throughout China for his deep understanding and promotion of Seven Star Praying Mantis Fist. I was privileged and honoured to become his Tudi student.
In 1985 I began to study under the tuition of 8th Duan Master Li Di Run, 4th Generation Master of Yang Family Style Tai Ji Quan (Tai Chi). Master Li Di Run's lineage can be traced back to the great Master Yang Lu Chan (1799-1872). I was privileged and honoured to be invited to become a Tudi student of Master Li.
In 2006 I became a Tudi student of 9th Duan Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang, 19th Generation master of Chen family Tai Ji Quan. Grandmaster Chen is recognised and respected worldwide for his dedication and mastery of the style. His family lineage can be traced back to the legendary founder of Chen family Tai Ji Quan Chen Wang Ting, (1580–1660).
​Each of my Masters has bestowed upon me the essence and traditional values of Wushu (Chinese Martial Arts) for which I am truly grateful. I now instil in my students these core principals of Wushu practice and continue to encourage and motivate them to share the wonderful gift of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts with people from all over the World.