
Zhu Chang Hai International Wushu Association
Master Chen Ziqiang
Experience 4 days full of Chen style Taijiquan with the head coach from Chenjiagou during his annual visit to Belfast as part of his global tour.

Time & Location
02 May 2025, 10:00 – 06 May 2025, 14:00
Belfast, To be confirmed
About the event
The full program and venue are yet to be finalized.
Judging by past years, there will be a section focused on Silk Reeling. These exercises involve simple continuous rounded and spiral movements utilising the whole body. It may look simple, but there are many levels and details to be practiced.
We will keep working on Xinjia Yilu which places a great emphasis on Silk Reeling principle and coordination between the upper and lower body. Xinjia often includes dynamic contrasts between soft and hard movements. The form focuses on the fundamental movements that define Chen-style Tai Ji, but they are performed with a greater focus on internal dynamics and spiralling energy.
We hope to include one or two short forms in the schedule.